The office will call… to schedule a consult?

Yep, that was the message I got on Friday.

I spoke to Dr. White last Thursday, he said he’d take care of getting things scheduled at the hospital for my SEEG, so I figured it was just a matter of time.

I couldn’t remember if he said I should call in a week for another update, so I figured that even if he hadn’t, a call couldn’t hurt. I’d rather make the call when I didn’t need to rather than not bother to call when I should have.

I called to ask for an update, they passed the message along, and I got a call back later in the day.

Next week, I’m supposed to get a call from the neurosurgeon’s office (finally!). So from the time I spoke to Dr. White, it’s taken the neurosurgeon’s office a full month to contact me. But it’s not to put me on the schedule for seizure monitoring at the hospital!

Nope, his office will be calling to schedule a consult.

Why? Seriously, why?

I’ve accepted the fact that I’m going to have brain surgery. I’m not sure how long ago that was, but it’s been a while since we determined that medication is no longer a viable option. I expected it to take longer for my case to be presented to the surgical conference at Minnesota Epilepsy Group, but instead of weeks after talking to Dr. White, it was the next day (February 4th). Like I said before, it happened fast.

A full month later (which is very not fast), I’m not being scheduled for what will likely be the final test before surgery. No, I need to talk to the neurosurgeon first. This talk apparently isn’t something that can be done while I’m in the hospital for testing, so the current “God knows how long” timeline looks like this:

A month after the surgical conference, I’m getting a phone call to schedule a consult with the neurosurgeon, then I’ll need to wait for God knows how many weeks until the consult, then God knows how many more weeks until the SEEG… if the neurosurgeon comes to me during the SEEG to say he wants to do additional testing, extending the timeline for God knows how many more weeks until the next test(s) and then God knows how many more weeks until finally performing brain surgery… if those sensors are anywhere near a part of my brain that activates when I’m angry, they’re gonna think I’m having a massive seizure.


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