Me, Myself, My Brain & I

This title seemed a bit unwieldy—it’s a lot of letters to type—so when choosing the web address, I shrank it down to the latter two items: “”.

So after coming up with the title for this blog, the big question is “Why?”

And it’s because it felt like the right thing to do. Like something I was supposed to do.

I have epilepsy.

Most people have probably heard about cancer and COVID and beheadings before, but what’s epilepsy?

That’s where I come in. My first seizure was in 1991, but it’s possible to have a single seizure and that’s it. As a precautionary measure, a doctor had me start taking an anti-seizure medication right away.

If the medication continued to prevent seizures, you wouldn’t be reading this, but it didn’t. I started having seizures maybe five years later (I didn’t realize that’s what they were at the time) and I was officially diagnosed with epilepsy in 2000.

It’s been a long journey since then. Different kinds of seizures, different kinds of medications… and now I’m out of medications. Everything that’s available either doesn’t solve the problem or has side-effects that would make the solution worse than the problem.

Thus, the final way to prevent seizures (aside from beheadings) that will be happening sometime in my near future is brain surgery.

So I’m sharing my epilepsy journey with all of you. Seizures, medications, brain surgery… all of it. Providing a personal perspective to information that you might only read in a textbook from all four of us: my, myself, my brain & I.